Monday, July 11, 2016

Day 9: George Washington University

Submitted by Juan Martinez


Today we had a lot to do and my favorite was going to George Washington University. After breakfast we went to UCDC to work on our congressional meetings and then went to GWU after lunch. When we were walking out of GWU, I saw a railing and it looked awfully tempting so I decided to slide down it with a shout along the way, and then all of a sudden, I heard “JUAN” in an authoritative voice. Susan did not look pleases and so like the well behaved guy that I am I apologized and decided to behave or the rest of the tour


Juan and George taking a break together
The tour guy did a good job explaining and pointing out some of the best places or some of the most well-known. I have never been to GWU before so that was a new experience for me. I felt like the campus was fairly big and very different compared to other Universities. I thought that with this tour and a walk around the campus, I would be more inclined to come to this university, but it did not have as big an impact as I anticipated because it felt exactly like going to school in a city. The campus is literally the streets of Washington D.C., and that made it feel small and not very interesting to me. The reason this was one of my favorite parts of the day was because what the tour did do for me was to have me learn that I am leaning more towards a place that is not already like where I live.

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